Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Dutch guy » 03 Jan 2017, 12:15

Fayili wrote:I thought this stomach flu would end with the vomiting. Now the other end of my body is also getting involved.

Unfortunately I know EXACTLY what you mean right now... :(
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Elomin Sha » 08 Jan 2017, 03:36

It is getting to the point where you have to wonder what is the bloody point for applying for a job where I hit every single point that the company is looking for. EVERY SINGLE SMEGGING POINT. They say I'm not suitable for the role and will NOT tell me why.
I'm going to be stuck in the same place forever now, with people I hate, unable to help out my family.

Right, I'm donning a hockey mask, buying a machete and going to live in the woods next to a lakeside camp site.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Timelady » 08 Jan 2017, 08:15

Bleh. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt a million times. If it's any comfort at all, in my job hunting experience that's usually code for 'we had a lot of people apply, we picked one, and we don't really care about anyone else at this point.'

And it won't be forever--I got out after nine years, you can too.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Elomin Sha » 08 Jan 2017, 08:55

I've been here 8 years already and constantly overlooked and disrespected for everything I've put in here. Oh we need something, oh let's call Jude he's always available. Should we give him a little aid, NO let's give it to people who go and leave after a few months. I'm 32 this year and so far FUCK ALL has gone right for me in the past few years, I do a ton for others, it gets me nowhere, and I am getting sick and tired of it.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Timelady » 08 Jan 2017, 11:36

...Holy christ, are you me? As of six months ago? Because holy shit, that sounds familiar, right up until I walked out this October.

All my sympathies and complete understanding. Good luck. You'll get there.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Elomin Sha » 08 Jan 2017, 12:42

Thanks, I'm planning my scorched earth policy when it doesn't.

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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby MinniChi » 10 Jan 2017, 09:36

I'm am getting very angry at the operator of the laundry machines in our apartment building. They owe me 30$, and they keep telling me new things that are required for getting the refund. First I was told I just had to wait. Then I was told to just send a copy of the reciept. Now I'm being told they need a bank statement. I am getting angry and fed up.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby AdmiralMemo » 13 Jan 2017, 07:09

I dislocated my finger in the process of taking off my socks last night. :-(
Graham wrote:The point is: Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I'm an old man.
LRRcast wrote:Paul: That does not answer that question at all.
James: Who cares about that question? That's a good answer.

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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Elomin Sha » 13 Jan 2017, 12:36

Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Robo4900 » 13 Feb 2017, 09:34

I hate when people assume their personal preferences are somehow more valid than anyone else's, and attempt to force theirs on everyone else, even though there is always a solution that will work for everyone.

This applies to many things, from Funimation cropping Dragon Ball Z to widescreen, when they could just do a nice 4:3 remaster and let anyone who wants it in widescreen zoom it in, to crazy idiots insisting on gay marriage being illegal, despite it not actually affecting them in the slightest, to Star Wars only being available with the obnoxious edits, even though the sensible thing to do is to just offer the new CGI and such as a secondary option on all the DVDs and Blu-Rays(Seamless branching has been a thing since 2003), and even to people in audio mastering forcing ridiculous dynamic range compression on music, even though everyone changes the volume they listen at to suit their needs, meaning all they're doing is making the sound quality worse. And don't even get me started on sites that don't offer a lossless option for digital audio.

I recently had an encounter with such a person over what is, admittedly, a fairly minor issue(It was about an animated movie that was animated in 4:3, but was shown in cinemas and on most home releases in widescreen, even though the masters are all in 4:3, and they didn't start releasing it in widescreen until about 2006), but the worst part is, I know a lot about the production side of this. I presented a reasoned argument, talking about how the production worked, the point behind animating it in 4:3, but they just refuted it with what amounts to a "No" with no attempt at actually addressing what I've said in a reasoned manner.
The worst part is, I feel like if I just walk away from this idiot, it will seem like I'm letting them "Win", and they get to feel all self-righteous, even though they're acting like an ass.

Bottom line: I can't stand idiots, and closed-minded people who refuse to look at anything from any perspective other than their own. Screw the whole lot of them. They're the reason the world is in such a political mess.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Merrymaker_Mortalis » 25 Feb 2017, 16:07

Well, the girlfriend of one of my friends is being deported. She's a third-year student with three months left on her undergraduate course. She's lived in my country for eight years with her mother. She has no one in her country of origin of Sri Lanka.

No idea the forum rules for petitions, so, I'll put it in an inoffensive collapse box.

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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby empath » 27 Feb 2017, 01:35

Great; it seem Amerika had at least sorted out ONE contentious issue, and then Drumpf had to go undo any resolution and bring up the issue of 'Trans in bathrooms' AGAIN.

You wanna know the solution? HERE:


Your mall has a large 'men's room' and another large 'women's room'?

RIP THEM OUT and replace them with eight single-occupancy bathrooms: one toilet, toilet paper dispenser, a sink, paper towel dispenser and/or hand dryer, a baby changing table and a feminine products dispenser. And each of the eight is UNISEX (you know, like you have at home)

And if some cro-magnon bigot is gonna bitch about the pad/tampon dispenser, I just have to retort: "A lot of you unhygenic pigs never use the sink, either, but I don't hear you bitching about that being in there."

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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Merrymaker_Mortalis » 27 Feb 2017, 15:26

Well, the girlfriend of one of my friends is being deported. She's a third-year student with three months left on her undergraduate course. She's lived in my country for eight years with her mother. She has no one in her country of origin of Sri Lanka.

It got resolved. Happiness.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby leapy » 24 Mar 2017, 18:19

So I found out today that I fell at the final hurdle for my dream job.

I love avation, I mean I love avation. I fully intend to be one of those people who bilds a plane in their garage, just as soon as I hve the money, or a pilot's licence, or a garage. There's now way in hell I'd get a job as a profesional pilot. I could just scrape by a medical, but I'd have so many restrictions on the comercial side that the hour-building required to get myself an ATPL just wouldn't be feasible.

I've been going through the process of applying for Air Traffic Control (ATC) for the past couple of months. This has involved a shit-load (yes, that's an offical metric) of testing, mostly spacial awarenes, logic.etc tests. The first stage was online but the later 2 stages were about 350 miles away from home and took a full day.

To get through to the final interview and computer test means that I was in the last 6%. I know that I should consider that a win but to get so far, after investing so much time and money just to fail at the last stage feels like a massive kick in the teeth. So I've done what seems sensible, I bought myself a bottle of rum and I've drunk about 1/3 of it after work tonight. This shit will seem better in the morning.

Night night all, and I hope your day went better than mine.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Dutch guy » 26 Mar 2017, 12:42

leapy wrote:So I found out today that I fell at the final hurdle for my dream job.

I love avation, I mean I love avation. I fully intend to be one of those people who bilds a plane in their garage, just as soon as I hve the money, or a pilot's licence, or a garage. There's now way in hell I'd get a job as a profesional pilot. I could just scrape by a medical, but I'd have so many restrictions on the comercial side that the hour-building required to get myself an ATPL just wouldn't be feasible.

I've been going through the process of applying for Air Traffic Control (ATC) for the past couple of months. This has involved a shit-load (yes, that's an offical metric) of testing, mostly spacial awarenes, logic.etc tests. The first stage was online but the later 2 stages were about 350 miles away from home and took a full day.

To get through to the final interview and computer test means that I was in the last 6%. I know that I should consider that a win but to get so far, after investing so much time and money just to fail at the last stage feels like a massive kick in the teeth. So I've done what seems sensible, I bought myself a bottle of rum and I've drunk about 1/3 of it after work tonight. This shit will seem better in the morning.

Night night all, and I hope your day went better than mine.

Damn dude, that's tough. I can imagine how you feel, I fell at the final interview for a spot in airliner pilot training. Which was all I ever wanted to be. I now have a job as a mechanical engineer which I really enjoy and have a glider pilots license. I also hope to one day build my own plane, though this is challenging.

My advice, get it out of your system. Mourn about the loss. Because thats what it is. It's perfectly reasonable to be upset about this but try not to get stuck on what you can't do. Then find a differrent route to get into aviation or a different passion.

Are you any good with your hands? A good aircraft mechanic is always sought after. And it can be a challenging and varied job.
Btw, flying gliders can be a fun and somewhat more affordable way to get into flying. And lots of what you learn is transferable to powered flight if you have the money to transition.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Merrymaker_Mortalis » 29 Mar 2017, 03:27

Brexit is moving forward, and some of my friends from outside of the UK are now vulnerable to being asked to leave the UK.

They are settling into long term life here and I have few close-close friends.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby fantôme » 29 Mar 2017, 10:50

May's letter to the EC today was promising (as promising as this mess can be), one of the high-priority outlined objectives being securing the rights of EU nationals in the UK and UK nationals abroad.

The letter also stated the intention to effectively adopt existing EU laws & rights as UK ones. Something I was particularly worried about was these being rewritten by an unelected Tory PM.

The letter was still rather vague in many places, more to come tomorrow.

Bizarrely the phrase "a deep and special partnership" was used multiple times throughout the letter. If you read the whole thing, the cadence makes the repetition seem very obviously copy-and-pasted, and the constant emphasis on what's best for the EU comes across as very desperate.

My personal prediction for the outcome of this is that very little will change apart from this country being (even more) in a horrendous mountain of debt.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Gap Filler » 29 Mar 2017, 11:44

Nice to see nothing less than the usual apathy to the current situation.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby fantôme » 29 Mar 2017, 14:17

Gap Filler wrote:Nice to see nothing less than the usual apathy to the current situation.

May's letter also ruled out the possibility of a second referendum, or any kind of U-turn or alternative arrangement. We're stuck with it.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Gap Filler » 29 Mar 2017, 16:19

Welp nothing be done about all this but whatevs its probably not important anyway. Best just lie back and let it wash over then.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby glitchiee18 » 08 Apr 2017, 12:32

So im not sure how bad of an issue this is but im super glad theres a thread like this for me to vent what happen to me over a couple of months,

I was really into Magic the Gathering, spending most of my time at the local game store that's basically right down the street from where i live, and my now ex-best friend used to work at, was pretty close to the working manager of the store also, helped the store out at some conventions and events they might have had like a star wars day helping them set up and such. well me and my ex best friend had a really bad falling out to the point where we don't want to go anywear near there, and I had left most of my Magic collection three commander deck my dice play mats and my trade binder full of all of my rares, with a mutual friend between me and my ex best friend. she went to the store one day with my persmssion to use my things. when I saw her the next week she had told me that my ex-best friend had taken most of my magic collection exept for my dice (thank god cause most of that is from my reccently passed away mother) my Mikueas Commander deck and my play mat. when I contacted the story manager about what had happen, I was ignored and nothing was done about that, when my older sister went to the store i asked her if she could get my collection back from my ex best friend, when he told her, he was selling it for me, by this point we have not had contact with each other for about two months. and now I feel unwelcomed at the Game store, Only have on commander deck, the mutual friend mention before is now my girlfriend and she still has one of her commander decks. but we have no where to play and most of my collection is gone. and have been struggling to get back into Magic, I loved the Game, but apprently the people around me werent as good as the cards.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Dutch guy » 09 Apr 2017, 09:16

@glitchiee18, that sounds like theft to me. And thus a police matter.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby AdmiralMemo » 11 Apr 2017, 06:11

When you commit a crime on the light rail, you don't just commit it against the direct victim. You commit it against everyone who uses mass transit. When the route that takes 1.5 hours to get home turns into 4 hours, that's a crime against ME I say. >:-( Buses can divert and detour. Trains ain't going ANYWHERE.
Graham wrote:The point is: Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I'm an old man.
LRRcast wrote:Paul: That does not answer that question at all.
James: Who cares about that question? That's a good answer.

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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby Merrymaker_Mortalis » 12 Jun 2017, 11:11

When you reveal you have a qualification in a career field but you're not in that career, and someone who doesn't know you well begins to give you advice on what to do to get in that career, even though you never stated you intended to.

I'm TEFL (theory) trained. But a lot of strangers are eager to tell me that I should work abroad NOW to teach English. It feels like they're piggybacking on me to fulfil what THEY want to do. They don't want to listen to me.
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Re: Venting Thread Delta - Now With Easy to Follow Rules

Postby AdmiralMemo » 14 Jun 2017, 13:19

Yeah, that's frustrating. I am certified to make copper and fiber-optic cabling even though I have no interest in doing that at all as a career. Either they're piggybacking on you, or they can't seem to understand that some people can have the skills and training in a thing without wanting to do that as their life goal.

They're like "Why would you train in that if it's not what you want to do with your life?" without understanding that some people can find joy and fulfillment in learning a thing without making that thing a life goal.

It's what I call the "double-sided waste fallacy."

The one side of the fallacy is that people think that if you become skilled in something and then don't pursue it as a career later on, you're wasting your skills. The other side of the fallacy is that people think that if your life goal is to do X, then all that time you spent training for Y was wasted time that you could've put to "better use" by learning more X or learning X sooner.

Neither aspect of this is true, but either or both are common enough for people to believe.
Graham wrote:The point is: Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I'm an old man.
LRRcast wrote:Paul: That does not answer that question at all.
James: Who cares about that question? That's a good answer.


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